My Very Plucky Day

I would say true talent is hard to come by.  I would say finding people who use their craft with such passion to create things of great beauty is difficult.  But between seeing the work of my new friend Andrea, test knitting samples for my good friend's first-ever knitting pattern, and perusing piles of yarn at my Plucky Party this weekend- I know I have been blessed.  I am surrounded by talent!

What a joy it was to share some of that talent with a Plucky Yarn Open House in my home this weekend!  Seriously- so much beautiful yarn just sitting in my house- it was a pleasure.  I wish it all could've stayed, but most of it left.  Some in the hands of others, some back home with Sarah (Mrs. Plucky herself) - although she did forget a small bin of yarn.  Unfortunately, we were able to catch her before she pulled out of the driveway.

In a yarn recap- here's what came:

Here's the damage (wowza!):

And here's what stayed here with me (yay!):

The day was a blast- enjoy the highlights (many of these photos were shamelessly taken from Sarah's photo stream- thanks, Sarah!)...

Beautiful Knits everywhere

Me and Elise in our matchy-match Plucky Cardis:

Elise wasn't the only baby to make an appearance. Oh-so-cute Veronica stopped by with her equally as cute momma:

Jill getting ready:

My sister Amanda came all the way from North Dakota to pick out yarn:

My knitterly friends.  Erica, Jill, Sarah:

Once the clean up was finished, the after party consisted of a photo shoot with Elise:
Dang- this baby knows how to rock a handknit!

Thanks so much for everyone who came out and made the day so successful- we'll most definitely have to do it again.