Almost There...

But not quite.  Do you ever hit a road block on a project that just takes away all your drive to see it through to completion?  Classic scenario for me.  Last week, when I was finishing my Legacy Wrap, I ran out of yarn.  

How much yarn do I need?  Oh, about 8 more rows worth- what a bummer.  

Because I was a little too anxious to see my finished wrap all blocked and beautiful, I decided to cast off where I was and come back to it.  Hmm- not sure if that was a good idea or bad.  So, although I have worn it out a couple times (pictures coming soon), I now have to decide if it is worth it to go purchase another skein of yarn , rip out my bind off, pick up all those loose stitches, and knit a few rows of garter
stitch.  Thoughts?  What would you do in the given situation?