
Extra Special Birthday Gift

First of all, thanks to all of you for the birthday wishes last week. We rolled in my 28th year in style, complete with a trip to the French Laundry- yum! Before dinner, I opened gifts; one of which I want to share with you here.

I have mentioned the Knitter's Rule on my blog before. It seems I finally dropped enough hints to get one for my birthday :) By this time, many of you have seen products by KaratStix in some venue. I'm pretty sure she has been featured in every knitting magazine I look through.

What I didn't know was all her products can be personalized. Imagine my surprise when

1.) I finally received the super stylish needle gauge I'd been hoping for for months,


2.) My Knitter's Rule had carved images of my very own designs!

Take a look at this close up pic, anything look familiar?
I was absolutely giddy when I saw my slippers, Breckenridge Cowl, and FPK logo on my new needle gauge. If this wasn't enough, it came with a bonus gift! The holes for the large needles are saved and turned into stitch markers:

How clever is that?

If you haven't checked out her products, you can buy directly from her Etsy shop. And great news for all you LYS owners- Karen wholesales these beauties as well! I know I will be recommending them to every LYS that I frequent. You can find more info on her website.

So if you were to order a personalized needle gauge, do you have anything special you would put on?