
But Everyone Else is Doing It...

If 'everyone else' decided to jump off the top of the Empire State Building would I do it too? No. But how can I resist the Ishbel Shawl from Ysolda that everybody and their mother has made?! I know by now, most of my readers have seen this shawl as it is hard not to come across it on Ravelry, but I am still super excited to share my progress.

I cast on for this shawl last week in attempts to keeping up the 'knitting for myself everyday' resolution that I made last month. Believe it or not, after I finished my Girasole blanket I had to quit the resolution. I'm not really the kind of person who has many projects going at one time. In fact, I get so focused on the project that I forget about everything else in life until I am finished.

For a few weeks in February, when I should have been working on some new designs, I was solely working on the blanket. Since I finished, I have been typing up patterns, contacting test knitters, and re-knitting my designs myself.

So, with this project, it is my new resolution to not let it take over my life. I'm practicing moderation...we'll see how that goes.