Becoming Soak Worthy

I instantly fell in love with this dress when I saw the ad in a knitting magazine over a year ago. After some master sleuthing, I was able to find the source of this adorable pattern. Of course, now they have it posted on their site (I'm sure they were being bombarded for answers from the knitting community), but back when I was looking I had to lurk around the forums on Ravelry to get an answer.

The pattern is the Clara Dress by Karin Vestergaard Mathiesen. It's an Isager pattern, and if you'd like to nab a copy, you can buy it as a kit with yarn here.

Since we are starting to look ahead at summer months, I decided this would be a great time to work on getting some patterns for baby knits released. Now that the booties are out, I have plans for some baby sweaters.

This is where the Clara dress comes in(and a few other select baby knits). I've wanted to make this little beauty for quite some time. Now it's officially considered 'research' and I can enjoy knitting away!

There is nothing more satisfying than seeing a beautiful little knit come together... especially when you can finish the project in under a week! The dress is well on it's way and just needs to be finished up. Pictures are on their way!