Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun...

...especially when I am the one who has to keep them!  For the past few months I have been keeping a pretty big secret from all of my readers.  I think it's finally time to come clean.

Some of you have actually caught on.  Maybe this tipped you off:

Maybe it was this:

Maybe it's because you are wondering why I never give any updates on my basement renovation(seems I haven't been working on it too much, hmmm... )

Or maybe it was the fact that my blogging efforts in April and May were severely lacking. It's true, I wasn't feeling so well, and as you have probably guessed by now, we are expecting our first baby in November!

We are beyond excited, and I'm so glad to finally be sharing the news.  I am currently 17 weeks along, and a little baby bump did start showing in the past few days:

Ok, I know, it's not much- but it's a start!

The delay on telling was mostly due to the fact that I didn't tell work until this week.  I don't see everyone I work with all the time, but this week I am away at our National meeting and finally letting the cat out of the bag!  I figured I would be showing a little more by this time, and I would have to tell them.  Either way, I think it's about time!